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Supra aural headphones are designed so that the earpiece sits directly on top of the ear. With circumaural headphones, the earpiece actually encloses the whole ear, rather than sitting on top of it. These are used mainly in recording studios and by audio fanatics. With any headphone, it is desirable that they fit the user comfortably, so try them on before you buy.There are other dangers associated with wearing headphones apart from loss of hearing. Being isolated - even only partly - from outside sound poses the risk of not hearing warning sounds such as a car horn. And the user is also frequently only partly aware of the environment. This makes it more likely that you would not notice - or would ignore - a bump in the crowd that could be someone picking your pocket or otherwise doing something intended to harm you.It is considered that the in-ear canal phone is the safest to use as far as hearing loss is concerned, especially in a noisy environment, as the user can drown out other noise. But the ear bud that allows the hearer to also hear outside noise is the best to use where personal safety is concerned.

Male revision rhinoplasty surgery is the most difficult and challenging procedure that facial plastic surgeons perform. Perfecting surgery with the three dimensional nose takes years to improve and maybe master. In rhinoplasty surgery, minor rhinoplasty maneuvers that we do today may lead to significant postoperative deformities three years from now. Many of us are taught that aggressive cartilage removal is a procedure of the past. Today��s concept is ��less is more��. Less cartilage excision oakley sunglasses military discount, cartilage repositioning, camouflage techniques, structural grafting and suturing techniques are being taught in most residencies and fellowships and at our national meetings. When primary rhinoplasties are performed, the need for a future revision rhinoplasty is becoming increasingly common. Generally, revision rhinoplasty in males are more complex than females because males may have higher or unrealistic expectations and often, thick nasal skin, which is more difficult to re-support the nasal tip than in thin nasal skin.In male primary rhinoplasty surgery, the key to prevention of complications is pre-diagnosis of potential anatomical and functional abnormalities. For example, a patient desires a dorsal hump reduction and you identify short nasal bones, thick skin and a long middle vault. Your thorough evaluation will warn you that this patient is at risk for upper lateral cartilage subluxation from the nasal bones (inverted-V deformity) and internal valve collapse following osteotomies.For male revision rhinoplasty patients, initially perform a detailed anatomic and functional evaluation of the nose followed by documentation of the postoperative nasal deformities that are present and sites of nasal obstruction. After the problems and potential complications are identified, create a general surgical plan while studying the preoperative photographs and prepare to use everything in your surgical armamentarium since your preoperative plans for revision nasal surgery will usually change during surgery. Below is my algorithm for a revision rhinoplasty consultation. When the appointment is made, the patient is asked to bring a copy of their medical records and operative reports from their rhinoplasty surgery or surgeries, in addition to photographs of their native nose. Review the notes and photos while the prospective patient is discussing surgery with your patient care coordinator. This will give you a head start on identifying the problems assuming that a problem exists. Next, a detailed history is performed while listening very carefully to the patient��s wishes. Does he have realistic expectations? This is by far the most important detail that the astute surgeon needs to attain from the history. What is the patient unhappy with �C a pinched tip or polly-beak deformity? Additionally, listen to the patient and see if negative comments are made or if the patient is seeking litigation against the prior surgeon. If this is the scenario, you may want to think twice prior to performing a revision rhinoplasty on this patient. If the male patient is not happy with the results of his surgery by you, there is a good chance that he will be saying unkind words about you in the subsequent surgeon��s office. Does he fit the SIMON profile (Single, Immature, Male, Obsessive, and Narcissistic)? If so, watch out since these patients are very difficult to please and are litiginous. During the initial five minutes of your history, the astute surgeon should know if the patient is a good candidate for revision surgery. Poor patient selection can lead to an unhappy patient and surgeon.Another important detail is to ascertain if the patient has nasal obstruction. The incidence of postoperative nasal obstruction following a primary rhinoplasty is approximately 10%.1 Determine if the nasal obstruction was present preoperatively. If the obstruction is a result of the surgery, a number of questions need to be answered. Did the patient have reductive rhinoplasty surgery? Have the patient point out where the obstruction is. Is it static or dynamic? Present with normal or deep inspiration? What alleviates and worsens the nasal obstruction? What are the characteristics of the nasal obstruction? Was septal surgery performed? The physical examination ensues.For the physical exam, I use a detailed nasal analysis worksheet Perform a detailed visual and tactile evaluation of the nose. Use an ungloved finger to palpate the nose. Examine the bony and cartilaginous skeleton, tip and skin-soft tissue envelope characteristics in frontal, oblique, lateral and base views. For the bony dorsum, examine the osteotomies, presence of open roof deformity or rocker deformity, and hump under- or over- resection. If inadequate hump reduction is in question, first examine for a deep radix and/or under-projected, ptotic nasal tip and for microgenia. Look for middle vault abnormalities such as a narrow middle vault, inverted-V deformity or under-resection of the cartilaginous dorsum (polly-beak deformity). For the tip, examine tip projection, rotation, support, alar and columellar retraction, over-aggressive alar base reduction, and lower lateral crural characteristics such as over-resection, cephalically oriented or bossa formation. Over-resection of the lower lateral cartilage complex in males with a heavy sebaceous skin-soft tissue envelope can cause tip ptosis and subsequent, nasal obstruction. A deviated cartilaginous dorsum and tip can signify a deviated septum. This is only a partial list of anatomical problems that the surgeon needs to identify in nasal analysis. For male patients with nasal obstruction, observe him performing normal and deep inspiration on frontal and basal views. Often, the diagnosis is easily identifiable as supra-alar, alar and/or rim collapse (slit-like nostrils) during static or dynamic states. External valve collapse (lower lateral cartilage pathology) can be evaluated with the soft end of a cotton swab while plugging the contra-lateral nostril. The cotton swab elevates the area of obstruction whether it��s the alar rim, lower lateral crura or supra-alar region. See if the nasal obstruction is alleviated by elevating the nasal tip in patients with ptosis of the nasal tip. Perform the Cottle maneuver (pulling laterally on the cheek) to check for internal valve collapse. Although this test is generally non-specific, internal nasal valve pathology caused by supra-alar pinching or a narrowed angle between the upper lateral cartilage and septum can be diagnosed. On basal view, examine the medial crura feet to identify if they are impinging into the nasal airway.Following a thorough external nasal evaluation, the endonasal examination ensues. At minimum ediscountoakleysunglasses, perform anterior rhinoscopy with and without topical decongestion. In certain cases, nasal endoscopy and rhinomanometry may be useful. Evaluate the nasal septum for perforations, persistent deviation and for any remaining cartilaginous remnants to be used for grafting. Other causes of nasal obstruction to identify are: hypertrophic inferior turbinates, synechiae between the lateral nasal wall and septum, nasal masses and middle turbinate abnormalities (concha bullosa).As you are examining the patient, create a mental problem list with solutions followed by documentation on your nasal analysis sheet, such as: 1. external valve collapse secondary to over-resected lower lateral crura with a plan of open rhinoplasty with alar batten grafts using conchal cartilage, 2. internal nasal valve collapse secondary to a narrow middle vault and supra-alar pinching with moderate inspiration with a plan of bilateral spreader grafts and supra-alar batten grafts using conchal cartilage, and 3. bilateral alar retraction with a plan of bilateral conchal composite grafts. If structural grafting is necessary, decide what material may be used. A thorough knowledge of the types of autologous (septal, conchal, costal cartilage, deep temporalis fascia, and calvarium) or alloplastic grafting is needed as well as harvesting techniques.This is only an initial plan as you are creating your algorithm. Guaranteed, it will change as you get closer to surgery. Computer morphing can be extremely useful if patients are notified that the final image is not a guarantee of results. However, despite proper notification and consent, there have been reports of lawsuits filed by patients for outcomes that are different than what was generated by the computer imager. Computer imaging can give clues to the patient��s expectations. Unrealistic expectations can be identified when a conservative image is generated by the surgeon and the patient desires a radical change. Therefore, computer imaging can be a powerful tool in evaluating patients for surgery. I can��t count the number of times that I have rejected male patients for primary and revision surgery secondary to them having unrealistic expectations only being identified by the computer morphing. An additional use for the computer image is to use it as a goal in surgery. Bring the preoperative and computer imaging photos to the operating room.

If you are interested in the Forex markets, then a logical assumption would be that you desire to make money while taking part in it. As with any business, finding the most efficient and effective way to operate your company will greatly enhance your odds of becoming successful. At the moment and for the foreseeable future the most resourceful and useful way to evaluate potential currencies for possible positive investment opportunities is by utilizing a highly considered currency trading system.The fact of the matter is; that there is not anything known to mankind which fabricates more significant data on a daily basis than the FX markets. These statistics first must be inputted into the software package, which is done robotically by connecting to the various Forex exchanges operating in the world today. Next, the system must go through this information and establish what is essential to the assessment process and which facts are unnecessary. Finally, the figures that have been determined to be vital need to be appraised based on the present market conditions and confirmed whether they offer an outstanding investment or trading opportunity, or whether it does not meet the high standards the system has pre-established in its programming. All of the above sounds awfully complicated and it is. I did not mention it, but these appraisal procedures must be achieved in a judicious time period. Because if it is not, then the more shrewd investor will be selling the exact same currency you are now buying, they will be taking there profits off the table, while your still hoping to make some money and they will be moving on to other lucrative investment opportunities. This short assessment of what a currency trading system does and the value it provides its users makes it very easy to understand that using the best system possible offers you significant advantages. Two of my top systems that I use everyday in the markets are called Supra Forex and Fap Turbo. It only takes a few minutes to review there websites and see if one of them might be what your looking for.

K. R. Sampath1. Recent judgments of the Mumbai High Court in the case of Vodafone International Holdings B.V. v. Union of India [2008] 175 Taxman 399 and of the Supreme Court in CIT v. Eli Lilly & Co (India) (P.) Ltd. [2009] 178 Taxman 505 (SC), have created a furore amongst the expat employees in India. Commenting on the decision in the case of Eli Lilly & Co. (India) (P.) Ltd. (supra), it was observed that in what could have serious ramifications for multinational companies and their expat employees, the Supreme Court held that a foreign company registered and situated abroad is liable to deduct tax (TDS) on salary paid in the home country to their employees working here. Tax experts say that the decision has wider implications for MNCs with the court holding that TDS provisions can be extended beyond the country��s borders in case of salaries.In Eli Lilly & Co. (India) (P.) Ltd.s case (supra) the Supreme Court ob-served-Lastly, on the question of extra-territorial operation of the Income-tax Act 1961 it may be noted that the 1961 Act has extra-territorial operation in respect of the subject-matters and the subjects which is permissible under Article 245 of the Constitution and the provisions are enforceable within the Area where the 1961 Act extends through the machinery provided under it. (p. 530)The above observation has highlighted the interesting question as to whether, the Income-tax Act 1961 has extra-territorial operation or often referred to, though in our view wrongly, as extra-territorial jurisdiction.2. First one should consider the Legislative powers of the Parliament under the Government of India Act 1935 the Independence Act 1947 and the Indian Constitution.(a) Section 99(1) of the Government of India Act 1935 [25 & 26 GEO. 5. OH, 42] which conferred the legislative powers reads as follows :99. Extent of Federal and Provincial laws-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act the Federal Legislature may make laws for the whole or any part of British India or for any Federated State, and a Provincial Legislature may make laws for the Province or for any part thereof;(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by the preceding sub-section, no Federal law shall, on the ground that it would have extra-territorial operation, be deemed to be invalid insofar as it applies(a) to British subjects and servants of the Crown in any part of India or (b) to British subjects who are domiciled in any part of India wherever they may be or(c) to or to persons on, ships or aircraft registered in British India or any Federated State wherever they may be.(b) Prior to the Indian Constitution coming into force as part of removing the generally accepted limitation of colonial legislative jurisdiction, sections 6(1) and 6(2) of the Independence Act, 1947 (10 and 11 Geo 6 Ch 30), provided that (1) The legislature of each of the New Dominions2 shall have full power to make laws for that Dominion, includes laws having extra-territorial operation. (Emphasis supplied)(2) No law or no provision of any law made by the legislature of either of the new Dominions shall be void or inoperative on the ground that it is repugnant to the law of England, or to the provisions of this or any existing or future Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom, or to any order, or to repeal or amend any such Act, order, rule or regulation insofar as it is part of the law of the Dominion.(c) Article 1(3) of the Constitution providesThe territory of India shall comprise-(a) the territories of the States.(b) the Union territories specified in the First Schedule and(c) such other territories as may be acquired.Article 73 referring to the extent of executive power of the Union, inter alia, states that Extent of Executive power of the Union- (1) Subject to the provisions of this constitution, the executive power of the Union shall extend-(a) to the matters with respect to which Parliament has power to make laws and(b) to the exercise of such rights, authority and jurisdiction as are exercisable by the Government of India by virtue of any treaty or agreement.Chapter 1 of Part XI of the Constitution deals with the relations between the Union and the States Distribution of legislative powers between the Union and the States. Article 245, which deals with the extent of laws made by the Parliament and Legislatures of States, reads as under Extent of laws made by Parliament and by the Legislatures of States-(1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, Parliament may make laws for the whole or any part of the territory of India, and the Legislature of a State may make laws for the whole or any part of the State.(2) No law made by Parliament shall be deemed to be invalid on the ground that it would have extra-territorial operation. (Emphasis supplied)Under the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution, the power to levy income-tax vests with the Union, item Nos. 82, 85, 86 and 87 read as under-82. Taxes on income other than agricultural income.85. Corporation tax.86. Taxes on the capital value of the assets, exclusive of agricultural land, of individuals and companies taxes on the capital of companies.87. Estate duty in respect of property other than agricultural land.It would be seen from (a) and (b) above, that since India got independently governed under the Government of India Act, 1935, there has always been a provision that the Parliament (Central Legislature) has powers to make laws which have extra-territorial operation, i.e., cover persons whether they are not Indian subjects or others who have a nexus or connection with India. However oakley polarized sunglasses, there were certain limitations as well stated therein arising out of the fact that India had a Dominion Status and was primarily governed by the laws passed by the British Parliament. Once India became a Republic and had an independent sovereign status, the exceptions were not required and, hence, do not figure in the Constitution.

Prior to 1997, the Foreign Exchange Markets (Forex or FX) were the private domain of the large international financial institutions. That was the year they were deregulated, which allowed private investors entry into the markets. Since that period, each year, more and more people have been flocking to the currency markets to the point it is now a stampede with people from every country in the world entering daily. This gets us to the Forex trading systems and why most if not all profitable financiers that participate in the market utilize at minimum one currency trading software.When you enter a trade in the FX markets, unlike the stock markets, there is always one winner and one loser. One person or financial institution will make money and the other unfortunately, will lose money. In the stock markets there could be numerous sellers of a stock in a row that will accumulate losses if a stock is dropping in value or price. This is one of the enormous benefits of investing in the Forex markets verse the stock markets. If you are investing in the markets, one could only assume you are doing it for one purpose, which is to make money. If your competition has access to the most advanced trading tools, don't you think you should too? Of course you should, that is a simple answer that is beyond debate. Today and in the foreseeable future Forex software trading systems will be and are the most sophisticated tools a trader can employ. The vast majority of the top rated Forex trading platforms that are on the market have gone through multiple refinements, enhancements and upgrades over the years to the point they are now extremely reliable and dependable pieces of software. These systems are now at the point they can assist investors make wiser trading decisions and improve there profits. My three favorites Forex trading systems that I personally employ everyday are Fap Turbo, Supra Forex and Forex Trend Systems. As a professional Forex trader, I am always looking for that extra edge in helping me improve my profits. I have researched, purchased and tested every currency trading software system that I have ever been able to find. When I first started trading, shortly after the deregulation I could of only dreamed of having access to what new traders have available to them today. Please take your time and thoroughly research the market before making your final purchasing decision and be sure to invest in a top rated product and I am positive you will receive good value for your money and hopefully, something that will make you money in the future.

I am sure you wondering why it is the Top 4 and not the Top 3 or Top 5 Forex trading systems I utilize to crush the market and bring home loads of cash each and every month. To tell you the truth, until a few months ago it was the Top 3, but recently another killer currency trading software system hit the market and of course I had to use it. Let's make sure we understand something first, if it WILL make me money I AM going to use it. If you want to make money in the FX markets, please make no mistake about it, you better have the best currency trading systems there are, or just give it up! But, there is a problem that is presented with that statement, isn't there? Yes there is, and it is, if your new to the markets, you have not already made a ton of cash and can't go out buying every software product and test them out to see which works and which is a piece of junk, can you?I have been trading since 1997 when the markets were first deregulated and allowed private investors in. If I have been doing it that long, I either made a lot of money or lost a lot. I am no rocket scientist, but I am smart enough to understand if I am losing a lot of money doing something, maybe it is time to find something else to occupy my time. So, for the sake of argument, lets assume I made a great deal of money. If a Forex trading system cost $100, $200 or $300, whatever each one cost, who cares, and you buy 20 of them and only one is worth the price and the others are pieces of junk who wins? I win, is the answer. Because, if one winning system makes me $100,000 or more per year, what do I care about the dogs for? I don't, is the answer. But here is the issue, for a new trader or investor, first they don't know if you really can make money in the markets? Second, they don't have the money to invest in all the products to find the winners. Don't worry; I am going to solve both of those issues fast for you. The currency markets are the largest markets in the world, nothing else even comes close to it. Not even the major stock exchanges, there just peons in comparison. So think about it, if so many large international banks and brokerage firms as well as millions of private investors from every country on earth are investing in the currency markets daily, are they doing it because they are losing money? Of course not, they are making huge sums of capital. That solves issue #1, now on to issue #2.I know a new investor does not know which Forex trading system to buy when they first start trading nor do they have the money to buy all of them and test them out. The following four currency trading software systems are what I use to crush the markets and bring home a ton of cash each year. They are Fap Turbo (New One,) Supra Forex, Forex Trend Systems and Forex Funnel. Take your time and research them and see what you think. When you ready to start making some big bucks try one of them out, I am sure you won't be disappointed.

